Khan academy multiplying decimals using area models
Khan academy multiplying decimals using area models

Lesson 20: Solve multi-step word problems involving fractions and write equations with parentheses. Lesson 19: Create and solve one-step word problems involving fractions. Lesson 18: Compare and evaluate expressions with parentheses. Lesson 17: Solve word problems involving fractions with multiplication and division. Lesson 16: Reason about the size of quotients of whole numbers and unit fractions and quotients of unit fractions and whole numbers. Lesson 15: Divide by whole numbers and unit fractions. Lesson 14: Divide a unit fraction by a nonzero whole number. Lesson 13: Divide a nonzero whole number by a unit fraction to find the size of the group. Lesson 12: Divide a nonzero whole number by a unit fraction to find the number of groups. Lesson 10: Multiply fractions greater than 1 by fractions. Lesson 9: Multiply fractions by unit fractions by making simpler problems. Lesson 8: Multiply fractions less than 1 pictorially. Lesson 7: Multiply fractions less than 1 by unit fractions pictorially. Lesson 6: Convert smaller customary measurement units to larger measurement units. Lesson 5: Convert larger customary measurement units to smaller measurement units. Lesson 4: Multiply a whole number by a fraction.

khan academy multiplying decimals using area models

Lesson 3: Multiply a whole number by a fraction less than 1. Lesson 2: Interpret fractions as division to find fractions of a set with tape diagrams and number lines. Lesson 1: Find fractions of a set with arrays. Module 3: Multiplication and Division with Fractions Lesson 17: Solve problems by equally redistributing a total amount. Lesson 16: Solve problems by using data from a line plot. Lesson 15: Represent data on a line plot. Lesson 14: Subtract mixed numbers from mixed numbers with unrelated units. Lesson 13: Subtract mixed numbers from mixed numbers with related units. Lesson 12: Subtract whole numbers from mixed numbers and mixed numbers from whole numbers. Lesson 11: Add mixed numbers with unrelated units.

khan academy multiplying decimals using area models

Lesson 10: Add whole numbers and mixed numbers and add mixed numbers with related units. Lesson 9: Add and subtract fractions with unrelated units by finding equivalent fractions numerically. Lesson 8: Add and subtract fractions with unrelated units by finding equivalent fractions pictorially. Lesson 7: Add and subtract fractions with related units by finding equivalent fractions numerically. Lesson 6: Add and subtract fractions with related units by using area models to rename fractions. Lesson 5: Add and subtract fractions with related units by using pictorial models. Lesson 4: Solve word problems involving division and fractions. Lesson 3: Represent fractions as division by using models. Lesson 2: Interpret a fraction as division by writing remainders as fractions. Lesson 1: Interpret a fraction as division. Module 2: Addition and Subtraction with Fractions Lesson 20: Solve multi-step word problems involving the four operations. Lesson 19: Solve multi-step word problems involving multiplication and division. Lesson 18: Create and solve real-world problems for given numerical expressions. Lesson 17: Write, interpret, and compare numerical expressions. Lesson 16: Divide four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. Lesson 15: Divide three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in problems that result in two-digit quotients. Lesson 14: Divide three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in problems that result in one-digit quotients. Lesson 13: Divide two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in problems that result in one-digit quotients.

khan academy multiplying decimals using area models

Lesson 12: Divide two- and three-digit numbers by multiples of 10. Lesson 11: Multiply two multi-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm. Lesson 10: Multiply three- and four-digit numbers by three-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm. Lesson 9: Multiply two- and three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm. Lesson 8: Multiply two- and three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers by using the distributive property. Lesson 7: Multiply by using familiar methods.

khan academy multiplying decimals using area models

Lesson 6: Solve multi-step word problems by using metric conversion. Lesson 5: Convert measurements and describe relationships between metric units. Lesson 4: Estimate products and quotients by using powers of 10 and their multiples. Lesson 3: Use exponents to multiply and divide by powers of 10. Lesson 2: Multiply and divide by 10, 100, and 1,000 and identify patterns in the products and quotients. Lesson 1: Relate adjacent place value units by using place value understanding. Get it now Module 1: Place Value Concepts for Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers

Khan academy multiplying decimals using area models